Aforti Exchange

Record high boh operational and sales results in the history of Aforti Holding Group

5 January 2017

Aforti Holding inc, the head of the capital Group, which offers financial services for small and medium-sized enterprises, published record operating and sales results for December 2016.

In the last month of the previous year, Aforti Finance recorded a 29 per cent increase in granted loans as compared to December 2015.
Achieving a great result by the Company is primarily due to the opening of their first branch in Warsaw. What is more, in the same period, Aforti Exchange recorded a doubled turnover on the currency exchange platform compared to the same period in 2015. In the third month of its activity based on debt collection, Aforti Collections recorded in December 2016 a 71 percent increase in the nominal value of orders recovery compared to November 2016.

Aforti Holding Group has published the record operational and sales results of the Aforti Finance SA Aforti Exchange Ltd. and Aforti Collections Inc for December 2016.

The last month of 2016 was for Aforti Finance, which offers micro-loans for small and medium-sized enterprises, the best period in terms of loans and the value of the applications submitted in the history of the Company. In December of 2016 the company granted loans totaling more than 1 million PLN. On a cumulative basis, loans were granted in the amount of 3 744 thousand PLN, this is an increase by as much as 87 percent as compared with 2015. The value of applications submitted in December 2016 amounted to 3 131.37 thousand PLN, an increase of 164 percent. A compared to the same period in 2015. Historically, the record result was primarly achieved due to the opening of its first branch in Warsaw.

I am glad that Afori Finance recorded the best month in its history. With increasingly better results I know we are going in the right direction, and our strategy is effective. In 2017. With our own establishments we will try to at least double our annual sales performance - says Klaudiusz Sytek, the CEO of Aforti Holding Inc.

Also Aforti Exchange may boast the best month in the history of its activity. The company providing currency exchange services via the Internet platform reported a record turnover value of 3.9 million euros in December 2016. This is an increase by as much as 126 percent. compared to the same period of 2015.

The popularity of our exchange platform continues to grow which of course translates into a turnover. As in the case of our company dealing with loans, also Aforti Exchange recorded a historic month. In the entire 2016, the exchange value reached almost 29 million euro. This is a good result, but our ambitions are higher. Next year must be a record as well. - Klaudiusz Sytek assures.

Aforti Collections recorded excellent results since the beginning its operation. The company operating in the field of debt collection, recorded in the third month of its activity as much as 71 percent increase in the value of orders recovery compared to November 2016. This gives a result of 12 521 thousand PLN. On a cumulative basis (October-December 2016) the company can be proud of the value of orders of almost 21 million zł. In turn, the number of orders rose in December to 4 712 units, and it is a better result by 26 percent. compared to the same month of the previous period.

Another very good month for Aforti Collections. The dynamics of the value of orders rose in December by 70.71 percent. compared to November. This is a great forecast for the future. However, if the achieved results of all our operating companies will continue to grow at such a pace, 2017 may prove to be a breakthrough in terms of scale of operations and the Group's position on the market - said Klaudiusz Sytek.

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