Aforti Exchange

Aforti Holding is not slowing down. After 4Q it records over 43% increase in return on sales

14 February 2017

Aforti Holding Financial Group presented its erformance for 4Q 2016. The figures reported confirm rapid development of the group and consistent implementation of the strategy adopted. Consolidated income after 4Q amounted to over PLN 62 million , which is an increase by 43% when compared to the analogous period in 2015. In the period reported, the Group’s net profit rose by 20%, and the Group’s assets nearly doubled.

After four quarters Aforti Holding Group reported consolidated income at the level of PLN 62.40 million, i.e. by 43% higher when compared to the same period of 2015. Net profit of the whole Group increased by 20% and reached PLN 648 thousand. At the end of the reported period, the Groups assets were worth PLN 34.51 million as they nearly doubled in comparison to the end of 2015. This considerable improvement of results from consistent implementation of the strategy for 2016-2018.

“To investors who regularly read our monthly operational and sales reports, the 4Q results do not come as a surprise. In the summer, we adopted a development strategy for the whole Group and for particular companies being members of Aforti Holding. Thanks to properly taken direction and consistent realisation of our goals, our Group develops with incredible dynamism. Many of the strategical assumptions have already been achieved and therefore, we need to summarise our accomplishments up to date and probably set new goals.”, Klaudiusz Sytek, the President of Aforti Holding S.A. says.

In 4Q itself the consolidated income from sales amounted to PLN 21.97 million, which is a 60% increase in comparison to the analogous period in 2015. Whereas Aforti Holding Group’s net profit was PLN 123.60 thousand against PLN 324.01 thousand in 4Q 2015.

In the period in question, Aforti Finance, which offers micro-loans for the small and medium-sized enterprises sector, reported a 72% increase in the number of loans disbursed in comparison to the same period in 2015. Also, the value of the loan applications filed and the number of application increased by 139% and 94%, respectively.

Aforti Exchange running an online foreign exchange platform reported a 51% increase in turnover reaching the amount of EUR 9.9 million. The figure is higher than the results achieved in 1H 2015.

Aforti Collections ended 4Q with 9.1 thousand debt collection cases worth PLN 21 million.

In 4Q, Aforti Capital focused above all on acquiring new clients and offering services in the corporate finance sector.

“Our operating companies dis exceptionally well in 4Q. Both Aforti Finance and Aforti Exchange reported a major surge in development. The good results reflect how well the market receives our products and services. I am certain that the periods to come will be at least as good as this one. The companies’ development dynamics has not been mitigated, which is confirmed by the most recent sales and operational results for January 2017.” , Klaudiusz Sytek says.

The company informed that in the reported period the officers of Aforti Holding undertook effective steps to change the short-term debt financing into middle- and long-term. It influences the financial security of the whole Group and ensures further development and lowering financial costs.

“Guarantee of proper financing and liquidity in the period of such intense development of the Group is of utmost importance. Extending the debt payment dates will ensure stability and greater financial flexibility to the Group.”, Klaudiusz Sytek concluded.

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