Aforti Exchange

Aforti Holding Group reported growth in all its business operations

4 August 2017

Aforti Holding Group, which renders financial services for the SME sector, presented its operational and sales performance for July 2017. In the period, Aforti Finance presents consistent dynamic increase - loans issued in the period in question were worth PLN 3.4 million and the value of the applications filed reached PLN 20.7 million. In July, Aforti Exchange had a turnover of EUR 5.5 million at the foreign exchange platform. Aforti Collections dealt with debt recovery cases worth PLN 1.6 million.

In July Aforti Finance, which offers micro-loans for the small and medium-sized enterprises sector, issued loans in the total amount of over PLN 3.4 million, against PLN 253.8 thousand in July 2016. There were 217 applications filed in this period for the total amount of PLN 20.7 million, whereas in July 2016 there were 49 applications filed for the amount of PLN 2.0 million. The Group works on expanding its own branch network all over Poland. July saw the establishment of a branch in Poznań which eventually opened on 1st August. As of today, there are 7 branches in Polish cities. The development of sales network results in a dynamic increase in the number and value of the loan applications filed. Since the beginning of the year the value of the loans granted has reached the amount of PLN 17.2 million and the value of the loan applications filed amounted to PLN 84.8 million.

“The value of loan applications filed in July is nearly equal to the value reached in 1Q 2017, which proves that the development of traditional sales network I Polish cities is an effective strategy. The number and value of applications files in the previous month were record-breaking again..”, Klaudiusz Sytek, the President of Aforti Holding S.A. says.

Aforti Exchange running an online foreign exchange platform reported EUR 5.5 million turnover in July, which means it nearly tripled when compared to the same month last year. In 1H 2017 the total turnover amounted to EUR 38.5.

“We have undertaken to expand the sales network for Aforti Exchange in Romania, where we registered a subsidiary company in June. It is our intention to be granted a payment institution licence in that country.”, Klaudiusz Sytek explains.

In 2Q 2017 Aforti Collections rendering debt collection has contracted to deal with 253 debt collection cases worth PLN 1.6 million. Since the beginning of the year, the value of debt collection cases reached PLN 16 million.

“In July we recorded an increase in the nominal value of debt collection cases. We are intensifying sales and debt collection activities. I am certain that the wining tenders concerning the purchase of portfolios of liabilities will result in further growth – we have placed our first offers.” , Klaudiusz Sytek.

Aforti Holding financial Group reported PLN 33 million of consolidated income in 1Q 2017. The figure is triple the amount reached in the same period in 2016. At the same time the amount reached is more than a half of the income on sales earned in the whole year 2016. Consolidated net profit of the Group amounted to PLN 374 thousand. The performance is a result of a soaring number of loans granted by Aforti Finance and increasing turnover reported at Aforti Exchange platform.

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